Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Two Julians

We straddle the Waveney so you don't have to.

The Two Julians
King's Lynn

King’s Lynn – Part One


We were going long haul on our latest visit as part of the Two Julians (these posts also appear at and our plan to eventually visit every pub in Norfolk and Suffolk. The Excel bus to King’s Lynn cost me just £2 and it was even better for Julian who travels for free. The pubs we visited were:

The Lattice House

Maids Head

The Eagle

Bank House


There will be another visit to King’s Lynn in due course in our rigorous research efforts. It was positive to see the Lattice House reopened as the pub is in such an important and interesting historic building it seemed a great shame for it to be closed. The Maids Head and the Eagle were both Craft Union pubs with cheap prices, whereas the Bank House was a grand decadent building which was for a long time a bank. The Good Beer Guide listed Wenns was probably my favourite venue of the day.


As we were in the area, I tried once again to visit St Nicholas’ Chapel but they have limited opening hours and I’ve never been able to go in. One day…..


King’s Lynn is often under-rated, but it has some of the best medieval buildings in the region and I keep finding new things on my visits to the town. This is the gateway to the monastery run by the Austin Friars, where Kings and Princes would have stayed when coming to what was then Bishop’s Lynn.


King’s Staith Lane, one of the atmospheric roads leading down to the river.


And the bus back home after another tiring research trip. We straddle the Waveney so you don’t have to….